7. Security planning and management

The Safety and Security Officer first identifies the main threats, the vulnerability of CARE personnel/assets, and knowing which resources are available or which capacities are limited. The Safety and Security Officer then adapts existing CARE policies/procedures and establishes other needed and sensible procedures appropriate to the emergency situation. Security must be integrated into all aspects of operational management.

Decision-making processes and responsibilities relating to safety and security must be clear, and ensure that informed decisions can be taken and implemented as quickly as possible. The Safety and Security Officer should provide guidance for initial safety and security procedures, and ensure they are followed until the Safety and Security Plan for the emergency is completed.

Communicating decisions

  • Persons in charge and authorised to take such decisions must be clearly identified.
  • Communicate decisions to whomever it may concern with clarity and without delay

There are three strategies we use to manage security risks. We generally employ a mix of strategies based on the context and the threats we are concerned about. The strategies used in a particular location are determined by the Country Office or Implementing Presence, in collaboration with the Lead Member.

Community Acceptance

Attempts to remove security threats or have other actors control threats on your behalf by getting their consent and support for CARE’s activities. Acceptance is founded on good and open relationships with beneficiaries, local authorities, and other stakeholders in the area of operations. In addition to addressing existing and potential threats to protect CARE staff, acceptance from other stakeholders will also make is easier for CARE to access beneficiaries and undertake program activities.


The use of protective measures, procedures and devices to reduce vulnerability. These measures create a barrier between us and the threat.


Reducing the risk by containing the threat with a credible counter-threat.

In addition to developing the basic safety and security plan, the Safety and Security Officer must conduct contingency planning for any potential changes or deterioration in the security situation, using the Safety and Security Contingency Plan component of the CARE International Safety and Security Management Plan Template (coming soon).

Contingency planning is essential to lessen the impact of any safety or security incident or event, and help to prepare adequate responses. The Safety and Security Contingency Plan also facilitates coordination with other agencies or authorities for evacuation planning or other critical responses to incidents. This contingency planning must also be communicated, understood and accepted by CARE personnel.