
“In the rush to respond to disaster or conflict the appeal to ‘pay attention to gender issues’ often falls on deaf ears and may seem irrelevant. It is not. Paying attention to gender issues or ‘using a gender lens’ quite simply means recognizing the different needs, capacities and contributions of women, girls, boys and men. Ignoring or being blind to these … can have serious implications for the protection and survival of people involved in humanitarian crises.” —Inter-Agency Standing Committee

For an introduction to the CARE approach to Gender in Emergencies see here

1. WHY Gender in Emergencies?

3. HOW to integrate gender into an emergency response?

4. Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) for GiE

5. HOW to integrate gender into emergency preparedness?

6. Gender and finance / human resources

7. Gender in Emergencies Do’s and Don’ts

8. Key tools and Other Resources

1. WHY we focus on GBV in Emergencies

2. WHAT we focus on when addressing GBV in Emergencies

3. HOW we implement GBViE programs

4. WHO we work with

5. WHICH staff within CARE focus on GBViE

6. WHEN we integrate GBViE in the project cycle

7. Key Tools

Women & Girls’ Safe Spaces: A Promising Practices Guide