7. Key Tools
- CARE’s GBViE Guidance Note aims to help staff understand how CARE approaches GBV in emergency settings and what resources are available to support programming. This guidance includes:
- The Inter-agency Minimum Standards for Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Programming guide GBViE response and prevention interventions.
- The IASC Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action guide GBViE risk mitigation actions. These are commonly referred to as the IASC GBV Guidelines.
- The GBV Pocket Guide guides all humanitarian actors on how to support a survivor who reports an incident when there are not GBV actors in the area.
- Gender-Based Violence Hub on CARE Shares
- CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis overview and RGA tools
- CARE’s Women Lead in Emergencies overview and Guidance Note Series
- GBViE resources in other languages: