5. HOW to integrate gender into emergency preparedness?
Gender in Emergency Preparedness Planning (EPP) lays a strong foundation for delivering a gender sensitive response. EPP must include gender equality and women’s empowerment. The following steps can help ensure the integration of gender throughout the EPP process.
It is important that gender equality is integrated into the seven steps of the EPP process. Section 9: Emergency Preparedness Planning outlines these steps. This includes Minimum Preparedness Action (MPAs). Key MPA’s include:
MPA #4: Prepare and update the Gender Brief:
- Download the Gender in Brief Guidance Note
- Review example Gender in Briefs, internally on the CARE RGA Sharepoint page and externally on the CARE Insights page.
- MPA #7: Train the ERT on gender issues (The IASC e-learning course is a minimum requirement).
- MPA # 14: Identify and pre-screen new implementing partners (especially women’s organizations) for potential collaboration in a humanitarian response. This includes their gender capacity.
- MPA #22: All staff are familiar with the CI Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse policy (English, French and Spanish)
In addition, important preparedness measures include:
- Review the Emergency Preparedness Planning Guidance Note.
- Identify a Gender in Emergencies (GiE) focal point. The Focal Point should take part in relevant trainings (e.g. CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis Course). The Focal Point should be connected with the CARE International GiE Co-Ordinator and other technical support in the GiE team.
- Prepare a Gender Action Plan and include this with the EPP workbook
- Conduct a gender equality and diversity in emergencies training session with all staff.
- Ensure Gender Balanced Teams!
- Identify women’s civil society organisations to engage and partner with, in line with CARE’s partnership approach and Partnership Guidance Note
- Engage and connect with inter-agency preparedness/coordination mechanisms. This can be in the HCT, Protection cluster, GBV sub-cluster, country and regional-level gender-working groups or task forces.
Section 9: Emergency Preparedness Planning, provides further details on EPP