5.1 Assessment planning quick checklist


Analysis Plan
  • Does the assessment team have a framework providing details of the information that needs to be collected from primary and secondary sources? Reminder: one common problem is that too much data is collected!
Clear objectives
  • Are the objectives of the mission clear, included in the terms of reference, and understood and agreed by all team members and key stakeholders?
Appropriate team composition
  • Has the Assessment Team Leader been identified?
  • Has the team got the right mix of technical and functional skills to achieve the objectives of the assessment?
  • Does the team include women and men, and people with local language and cultural skills?
  • Are other agencies and/or the affected community represented on the assessment team?
Logistical support
  • Has adequate logistics and administrative planning been done to ensure the team can get the job done effectively and safely?
Information requirements
  • Has the team planned and identified the priority information needs to focus on during the assessment?
  • What information is required to meet the objectives and to conduct the analysis required?
  • What information is needed to ensure that cross-cutting issues can be understood? (for example, gender, protection)
Involving disaster affected people in the assessment
  • How will the team involve disaster-affected women and men in the assessment process?
  • Has the community been informed of the planned visit?
Information sources
  • Who is the team going to talk to?
  • What are the available sources of information?
Data collection methods
  • What mix of data collection methods will the team use? What skills or tools are required to use these methods?
Guidelines and tools
  • What guidelines and tools will the team use in the field to help with information gathering and analysis?
Analysis frameworks
  • How will the data be analysed?
  • What contextual analysis is necessary to make appropriate recommendations?
  • What information and tools can help with the analysis?
  • What types of decision-making recommendations are expected of the team?
  • Who are the recommendations for?
  • When will the team deliver a preliminary report? Final report?
  • What format will the team use for the report?
  • Will an internal version and a public version of the report be released?
Proposals and other outputs
  • What other outputs will the team prepare?
  • What is the expectation for proposals, operational plans and communications outputs?