1. Role of programming in an emergency
Programming is about shaping CARE’s response to an emergency to ensure the greatest beneficial impact on humanitarian needs. Programming decisions should be based on a clear strategy that takes account of priority unmet needs, local capacities and resources-and CARE’s capacities (both existing and that which can be brought in) and potential ‘value added’-within the overall humanitarian response. This is essential to ensure that CARE’s response meets quality standards, avoids the negative impacts that can result from poor programming, and is not simply an ad hoc and reactive response to the situation.
In addition to a well-thought through programme strategy, good programming requires technical capacity and expertise, sound programme management, and sufficient operational support. Advice on technical standards is available in the various sector guidelines, and in the chapters on quality- related topics.
Position | Key responsibilities |
Emergency Coordinator | Lead CO capacity self-assessment, collation of needs and resources assessments and subsequent analysis, definition of overall strategy, and technical and support requirements. |
ACD Programme/Programme Coordinator | Lead the development of programme strategy and approaches, and lead consultations on programming issues with internal and external stakeholders. |
M&E and/or Quality and Accountability Coordinator | Design quality and accountability system (define standards, objectives and indicators; beneficiary accountability systems), and ensure quality and accountability approaches in programme strategy. |
Country Director | Coordinate with other CO units and external stakeholders (mainly at a political level). Has overall approval of strategy. |
Lead Member Emergency Unit | Provide technical support and advice to guide programme strategy and quality. Ensure the strategy is appropriate to the emergency. |
CI Head of Emergency Operations | Provide technical support/advice and overall quality check of strategy. Circulate strategy to ERWG and COMWG, and follows up as needed to ensure coordinated support by CI Members. |
CI Programme Quality and Accountability Coordinator | Check strategy for consistency and compliance with CARE’s Humanitarian Accountability Framework. |
It is the programme coordinator’s (ACD programme, emergency coordinator) responsibility to:
- coordinate the design of the emergency programme strategy based on an assessment of the humanitarian situation
- work with other team members to establish immediate priorities and resources needed for CARE’s response; identify and advise on immediate response activities and priorities
- develop the written strategy and share with key stakeholders
- ensure project proposals and emergency programme design includes relevant targeting strategies that address the needs of vulnerable groups and gender analysis
- identify exit or transition strategy
- ensure that monitoring and evaluation systems are in place and are informing programme design and strategy revision
- ensure that systems are in place for compliance with CARE Humanitarian Accountability Framework