Principle 1: Promote empowerment
- How will CARE’s emergency response activities promote empowerment, particularly of women & girls?
- How will CARE’s response promote the rights of disaster-affected women, men, boys & girls?
- How are disaster-affected women, men, boys & girls going to be involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of CARE’s emergency response programmes?
Principle 2: Work with partners
- Who are the key partners for CARE’s emergency response?
- What are the strategic alliances that CARE will build to strengthen the impact of our response?
Principle 3: Ensure
and promote responsibility
- Who is responsible to ensure that the rights of women, men, boys & girls affected by the emergency are realised? How can responsibility be promoted?
- How will CARE be accountable to disaster-affected women, men, boys & girls for our response?
Principle 4: Address
- How does discrimination affect the rights of women, men, boys & girls affected by the disaster? Has it increased as a result of the emergency?
- Which groups of people are being discriminated against?
- How will CARE ensure that its programmes address discrimination?
Principle 5: Promote the non-violent resolution of conflicts
- What are the conflict dynamics in the emergency situation?
- How can CARE’s strategy promote the non-violent resolution of conflict?
Principle 6: Seek sustainable results
- What are the underlying causes of the crisis?
- How can CARE’s strategy have positive long-term impacts on underlying causes?
- While immediate relief may be temporary, how will CARE’s longer-term engagement in recovery promote sustainability?