5. CARE’s emergency response fund mechanisms

Once an emergency has been declared, COs may apply to access the CI ERF. This fund is available to support the rapid start of a response and early assessment.   In order to support sustainability of the ERF, funds should be recovered when donor contracts are secured. Although this is not mandatory it is highly encouraged (see section 8). Do not treat the CI ERF like another grant which you are compelled to spend.

Fund Upper limit Eligibility and conditions Access
CARE International ERF $300,000

(there is a minimum request of between $20,000 – $150,000 up to $300,000 in exceptional circumstances))

  • Funds to mobilise effective, timely and appropriate initial emergency assessment and response field operations
  • A single shared pooled fund that belongs to all CI Members and is available for use by all CARE COs
  • Substantial relief activities must commence within 72 hours of a disaster
  • Repayment requirements are determined depending on response conditions
  • Funds available for 3 months
Apply to the CI HOD


Annex 7.6 CI ERF Policies and Procedures

RHRC Consortium (Reproductive Health Response in Conflict) USD75,000
  • 5 – 10 page proposal that includes background and justification; goal and objectives, activities, beneficiaries of project; measurable indicators; project work plan; and budget
  • Description of proposed use of funds for maximum period of six months
  • Timeline for repayment of funds not to exceed one year from end date of proposed project


Apply to emergencySRH-HIV@careinternational.org
CARE Member emergency and board funds Variable Variable Consult with CARE Members directly, especially Lead Members