7. Q&A Technical Support
Country Offices (CO) requiring guidance on humanitarian programme quality and accountability, particularly in relation to CARE’s Humanitarian and Accountability Framework (HAF) and the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), can contact their Regional Humanitarian Coordinator (RHC) or the CARE Emergency Group (CEG) Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Coordinator (MEAC).
COs can also access specialist technical support on quality and accountability during emergency response operations via the Roster for Emergency Deployment (RED) following standard personnel mobilisation procedures. The Q&A section of the RED is managed by the CEG-MEAC who can be contacted through emergencyQA@careinternational.org.
The CDAC network and the IASC AAP/PSEA Task Team review and consolidate existing guidance, tools and case studies around Accountability to Affected People. A matrix of AAP resources is available to guide practicioners at the organisational and collective (e.g. cluster) levels. For Principals and Senior Managers at the organisational and collective levels the Task Team developed a Guidance Note with recommendations adapted from the ‘Grand Bargain Participation Revolution Recommendations (GBPRR) to Promote Effective Participation of People Affected by Crisis in Humanitarian Decisions’.