5. Roles and Responsibilities
For each stage and related steps defined in the minimum operating standards, specific roles and responsibilities need to be clearly assigned. Roles and responsibilities should be assigned to appropriate staff members working in the following types of functions:
- Senior Management are ultimately accountable for the establishment and performance of the FCM, as well as ensuring organisational commitment and encouraging a culture supportive of accountability.
- The Program Director should be a champion of accountability and hold the Program Team to account for effectively operating the FCM and using data in decision-making. This person is responsible for the inclusiveness and effectiveness of the FCM with a focus on learning and improvement.
- Program Team / Project Managers provide programmatic-level support to the implementation and operation of the FCM. They should create a demand for feedback and complaints data and use that data in decision-making.
- The MEAL Manager in the country office (or whoever leads on MEAL) has oversight of the running of the FCM across all areas on a day-to-day basis, including coordinating with field office and partner staff to ensure consistent understanding, to build capacity and provide tools and guidance. This person takes a lead on quality control and data analysis.
- MEAL/Accountability staff at the field office (which could include Officers or Community Engagement staff) are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the various channels, including directly receiving and processing feedback and complaints.
Sensitive complaints such as sexual exploitation and abuse should be escalated to the designated manager for appropriate handling and response.
When working with partners, CARE’s role should cover the following:
- Ensuring partners have a clear understanding of CARE’s expectations and minimum standards;
- Providing technical support, capacity building, resources and tools as required (e.g. training on PSHEA);
- Providing quality control during field monitoring visits;
- Regularly reviewing analysis of feedback and complaints data and supporting partners to use this for decision-making;
- Regularly participating in reviewing the effectiveness of the FCM and contributing to efforts around learning and improvement.