Do’s and Don’ts of Humanitarian Partnership

Are you looking for ways to enhance humanitarian partnerships and collaborations?

Are you wondering about best practices for successful partnerships?


Then below are the top few do’s and don’ts for successful humanitarian partnerships:



Ensure the value addition for both parties is clear

A clear decision-making process on whether and who to partner with will examine and clarify what value the partnership brings to both parties.

Set clear roles and responsibilities

Be clear on the division of labor-which functions will be handled by CARE, which by partners, and what TA will be provided. Define this in contracts and project documents.

Delegate power

Sharing power is often a challenge for CARE. While it might be necessary to support or handle some activities, partners also need room to work without being micro-managed.




Create inflated expectations

Discuss expectations with partners from the start. It can be dangerous if a partner sees simple sub-grant as something more than it is, or if promises to build capacity are not delivered. But it is good to have realistic visions for relationships, as they provide something to work toward.

Delay on payments and deliverables

Ensure that the Country Office’s financial and administrative systems are flexible enough to allow for real time transaction of funds, resources and other support as required by the partner, in order to set them up for success.

Overfund or overstretch the partner

It is important to have a clear sense of other projects and overall capacity of the partner to carry out the agreed upon work. Good partners are likely working with other NGOs and an effective balance needs to be maintained.


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