6.3 Warehouse selection and design considerations
- Accessibility: Access to warehouse should be easy for cars and trucks in all weathers.
- Utilities: There should be office space for the storekeeper, preferably with toilet and wash-up facilities, and regular garbage disposal. Lighting in the warehouse and surrounding area. The warehouse should be fenced and facilities should be present for watchmen.
- Size: The warehouse should have sufficient capacity to meet forecast requirements for temporary or transit storage.
- Security: Area should not be likely to invite intrusion or vandalism.
- Proximity: There should be good access to transport infrastructure.
- Easy movement: The warehouse should have sufficient additional floor area to permit easy stock handling and access to all stocks for inspection, and insect and pest control.
- Ventilation: The construction should be dry and well ventilated. The roof should be leak-proof. There should be no broken windows. Doors should close securely with no gaps. To reduce temperature inside the warehouse, you should paint the roof and walls outside, in white.
Maintenance: The floor should be flat and solid, preferably smooth and crack-free concrete. The walls should be as clean and smooth as possible.