16.1 Minimum standards for distribution monitoring
- The Country Office develops documents and implements a distribution monitoring system for all programmes that include the distribution of goods or commodities. If distributions are conducted by partners, the partners must implement the same monitoring system. Agreement must be reached with partners and donor concerning CARE’s role and obligations in the event that partners do not sufficiently implement the monitoring system.
- In order to maintain objectivity, distribution monitors are not the same staff responsible selecting or registering recipients; or for managing or supervising the receipt, storage, dispatch and accounting of inventory.
- Distribution monitors are assigned to particular regions or sets of distribution sites, yet monitor assignments are periodically rotated across regions or sites.
- Distribution Process Monitoring Reports are completed by CARE monitors and signed by two witnesses to document the monitor attended the distribution.
- Distribution Site Storage Monitoring Reports are completed by CARE monitors at intervals specified in the Country Office monitoring system.
- Post-distribution Monitoring Interview questionnaires are signed by the recipients interviewed.
- Distribution monitors are closely supervised and a sample of their reports periodically re-performed by supervisory personnel. Particular attention is paid to reports that do not indicate any exceptions.