5.1 Minimum standards for registration
- Measures are implemented to prevent sexual exploitation during the registration process including having a balance of women on registration teams, and ensuring mechanisms for complaints are in place (see section 1.3 for checklist)
- Individuals registering recipients are not the same as those involved in monitoring subsequent distributions.
- All individuals (including temporary workers) registering recipients read and sign CARE’s Code of Conduct (see Annex 19.6).
- Care is taken to ensure that targeted female or adolescent-headed households, people with special needs and other vulnerable individuals, are not omitted from registration lists.
- Women have the right to be registered in their own names if they wish.
- A computerised, password-protected Master Recipient (Beneficiary) List includes all recipients’ names, eligibility criterion, how eligibility was verified and all additional demographic information collected during registration.
- The Master Recipient (Beneficiary) List (see Annex 19.7) is reviewed periodically by authorised personnel.
- All CARE emergency programmes have registration procedures in place at the end of the first month of operation. If a Country Office is having difficulties in registering a target population, then local donor representatives, CARE regional directors and CARE USA or other CI member Headquarters (as appropriate) are contacted and informed of the cause of the problems and the steps being taken to resolve them.
- Where online registration platforms like LMMS and SCOPE exists and are affordable, it is recommended that CARE applies it in registration and ensures all necessary equipment is on site during registration.