1.2 Role of Human Resources Manager in an emergency

The role of the Country Office Human Resources (HR) Manager in an emergency is to:

  • participate in operational planning to help identify staffing needs for the response
  • manage large-scale recruitment of national staff
  • work with the CEG Surge Capacity Coordinator to mobilise short-term international staff with the right mix of experience, skills and knowledge
  • work with the Lead Member HR representative to recruit international staff for the longer term
  • support the safety and well-being of emergency staff, given the increased risks of an emergency environment
  • implement emergency HR policies and systems to meet changing operational requirements and local laws.

Not all COs will have an existing Human Resources Manager or focal point on staff. In a large emergency, it is essential that there is at least one dedicated Human Resources Manager in the team, and a specific Emergency HR Manager may need to be appointed. In a very large emergency, additional HR support staff will also be required. Remote assistance and advice can also be sought from the CI Surge Capacity Coordinator and Lead Member HR teams.

Annex 21.1        CI_RED terms of reference (TORs) Country Office human resources management and administration (in-country)
Annex 21.2        Country Office HR Manager job description sample 1
Annex 21.3        Country Office HR Manager job description sample
Annex 21.4        CHS Alliance available resources