Organisational Preparedness
Operational Standards
CVA is included in implementing partner’s capacity assessments and CARE’s own capacity is assessed
Key Actions
- Appoint a CVA focal point and train them on promising practices; in the absence of a country-level focal point, identify regional or global support within CARE.
For SRHR programming: also appoint a SRHR focal point- CARE
- Sample job description for CVA focal point or team member
- Assess CARE and its partners organisational capacity to use CVA, discuss CVA literacy during annual appraisal.
For SRHR programming: Health providers’, community focal points’ capacity has also to be considered in the capacity building plan- CARE
- IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit
- Build CARE and partner staff awareness of diversity within gender groups and how this diversity may affect recipients’ experience of the project and its (intended or unintended) impacts. Explore the assumptions and generalizations held about various gender groups.
Build the capacity of all staff implementing programmes with CVA in gender-sensitive CVA. To this end, recall:- The contribution of gender-sensitive CVA to the empowerment of women and girls;
- The programmatic impact of gender-sensitive CVA.
- Conduct systematic training on the gender-related protection aspects of CVA, including PSEA and GBV, and how they can be affected or influenced by CVA.
- Tools
- Pre-position any hardware you need for transfers, based on the modality or the delivery mechanism identified (e.g. printed vouchers, e-voucher cards, SIM cards for mobile money, mobile phone handsets, loadable ATM e-cash cards, fingerprint scanners, Point of Service payment devices, etc).