Beneficiary Registration and Data Protection
Operational Standards
Beneficiary registration and identification systems are appropriate to the delivery mechanism, and for the protection of personal data
Key Actions
- Set up beneficiary’ registration and identification systems, which cover data required by the service provider (e-voucher, provider, FSP, traders…). Base registration processes on input from women and men, applying accommodation as suggested by the communities
- IFRC/ICRC Cash in Emergencies Toolkit
- Collect only the minimum necessary data from women, girls, men and boys, specifically data required by the service provider (e-voucher provider, FSP, traders…). Where feasible and relevant, consider inclusion of baseline questions (related to access to services, gender and social norms, and other knowledge, attitudes, practices relevant to the theory of change or project goals) as part of the registration process.
- Apply and document measures sufficient for the protection of personal data
- CALP Protecting Beneficiary Privacy
- Seek inter-operability of digital identity data in parallel with signing data sharing agreement